Hositalis is a bizarre hospital themed restaurant in Riga, Lativia, where patrons eat amongst operating tables, medical equipment and other hospital related paraphenelia, while waiters dressed as nurses wait for them. On the walls hang x-rays and video screens play medical clips from various popular movies.
Food is served in surgical utensils, and drinks are served in test tubes, vials and I.V. bags. Spoons and fork are replaced by syringes and scalpels. Hospitalis also has a small “crazy menu” with entries like liver-filled quail that are prepared in such a way as to resemble body parts. To spice up your dinner you can opt for have yourself bound in a straight jacket and fed by one of sexy nurse-waitress.
The two story restaurant is decorated mostly in an E.R. operating room theme. But if the thought of undergoing surgery isn’t unpleasant enough for you request a table in the restaurant’s faux dental office. There you can enjoy your meal while sitting in a dentist’s chair. If dentist scares you have your meal sitting in the gynecologist’s exam room.
Sadly, the eccentric Hospitalis restaurant didn’t pass hygiene standards and was closed.
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